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We sustain sustainability_2021 – 2nd conference on implementation of SDG’s, Šibenik, Croatia

The aim of the conference is to build a better world for all, without anyone being left out. At the conference organized by the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, we start from the top topic of Davos 2021. The idea is that global action must be based on the mission of comprehensive change in society.

The aim of the conference is to build a better world for all, without anyone being left out. At the conference organized by the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, we start from the top topic of Davos 2021. This is the vision of the World Economic Forum on the need for a "major reset", in response to today's crises that cannot be resolved individually but together. The idea is that global action must be based on the mission of comprehensive change in society. We cannot go back to the old, socially responsible business is no longer enough, in short: it requires a true alignment of the market with the natural, social and economic systems on which it depends, real resilience and shaping inclusive and sustainable development.

The conference focused on two key topics:

1. Examining and reviewing the role and functioning of the business community in a world where crises can no longer be addressed individually, but all together: be its economic reforms, the COVID-19 pandemic or the climate crisis.

2. Communication and education for sustainable development and achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals: how to make them simple, accessible, and stimulating.

The event was intended for: middle and top-level managers, directors and heads of sustainable development or CSR businesses; strategies and planning; marketing and communications, research and development; public relations and marketing experts; designers; PR agencies; marketing communication agencies; representatives academic communities; decision-makers and representatives of the non-governmental sector; students and young people…

The conference was divided into two working days. As the future rests on the youth, the first day of the conference was focused on involving and educating young people about sustainability - from children to students. The second day was dedicated to the business sector, and topics included sustainable business, management and financing focused on sustainability.

To fulfil its intentions, the conference main speakers included world-known experts, such as Paul Polman, Jakob Trollbäck, Sasja Beslik, Nicolas De Santis, John Heinsen…

Through presentations and conversations with the speakers, many questions were answered:

• What does the business community need to change, how to think and act, to enable this great reset?

• What is the EU doing to enable it, why do we have a 'green list' of sustainable economic activities, why is the focus on climate change, are companies changing their business models or are they just fooling themselves and others into managing climate and environmental risks and impacts?

• How successfully does the EU implement the Sustainable Development Goals, what do we need to change in our management approaches, what tools do we need to implement the Sustainable Development Goals?

• Why is sustainability communication (mostly) boring and how can it become simple, accessible, persuasive and stimulating?

• Why is sustainability communication full of clichés and how to avoid them?

• Do millennials and Generation Z trust companies? Do they protest against consumerism?

The conference received excellent feedback both for the organization and for the conclusions that are applicable to everyday life.

Published on February 2, 2022


Marija Šćulac Domac

Supporting document(s)

Event start date
11:52 am
Event end date
11:52 am

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