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Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic

The Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic is an authorized state executive authority responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and coordination in the spheres of environmental protection, ecology and climate, geology and subsoil use, use and protection of natural resources, including bioresources, subsoil, exercising state control and supervision over compliance with the requirements of environmental (including chemical, biological, radiation, geological, geological, geophysical, geophysical and geophysical), geophysical and geodetic works, as well as the use and protection of natural resources, including bioresources and subsoil.

The purpose of the Ministry is to ensure the preservation of the unique ecological system of the Kyrgyz Republic and the creation of a favorable living environment for citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, protection of the environment and natural resources, including biological resources, subsoil, ecology and climate, ensuring effective control and supervision of compliance with the requirements of environmental, industrial safety, mining safety works, subsoil protection, quality of coal and fuel.

The Ministry coordinates the exchange of environmental information, dissemination of knowledge and raising public awareness on issues of environmental protection, use of natural resources, climate change, with the exception of water bodies, surface and ground waters; organizes scientific, applied, research work in the field of its activities; organizes the promotion and dissemination of knowledge about nature, the principles of sustainable development, climate change, sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles, organizes events in the field of biodiversity conservation, environmental education and awareness in the interests of sustainable development.


The Ministry is the legal successor of the State Committee on Ecology and Climate of the Kyrgyz Republic.

