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Tourism Innovation Mission-Serbia

The Leading Experts in Tourism Innovation

TIM-Serbia is the management consulting agency and a group of leading experts in tourism innovation from several countries: Austria, Netherlands, France, China (HK), and Serbia. In 2017. we grouped to promote the tourism potential of Serbia and the SEE region. We are a team of professionals and people who are passionate about travel, nature, and new experiences. Additionally, we believe that Serbia and the entire region have tremendous potential for tourism development and can improve their global standing.

As a group of professionals with decades of experience in hotels, tourism, hospitality, and related sectors, TIM-Serbia provides consulting services that help the tourism, hospitality, and related sectors go green. We deeply believe that only those businesses that are transformed into Green Travel and Green Economy will survive in the future.

TIM-Serbia helps local authorities and businesses and all other actors in tourism and related sectors to make their activities and businesses greener and create a tourism product in harmony with nature. This means visitors get to know the natural beauties without endangering the existing ecosystems. Through these activities, we strive to educate participants about the importance of preserving the environment and eliminating pollution. In our network, we connect companies that produce renewable energy sources and waste reduction solutions with tourism actors who intend to invest in development and reach sustainable development goals. 

The main contribution of our organization is to bring together many years of our global experience and knowledge for promoting Green Travel and a Green Economy. In that sense, we want to cooperate with the UN and companies that share our values worldwide.

We promote our activities through the professional social network LinkedIn, where we have thousands of followers all over the world and where we have created one of the most powerful channels for the promotion of Green Travel in the SEE region.


Links to LinkedIn (profile and company page):
