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Funding SDG 12

“Perpetuating current modes of production and consumption, and current levels of inequality threaten the achievement of the entire 2030 Agenda.” Global Sustainable Development Report 2019

Funding SDG 12

The One Planet Multi-Partner Trust Fund for SDG 12

The Multi-Partner Trust Fund on SDG12 is the means to accelerate the implementation of SDG 12 and deliver on Agenda 2030.

It is a partnership between six UN agencies engaged in the One Planet network: UN Environment Programme, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the UN World Tourism Organization, UN-Habitat and the UN Office for Project Services, and UN Development Programme, administered by the UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office.

Building on the expertise of the One Planet network, the Agencies focus their actions based on science and country needs.

The Fund Secretariat is hosted by UNEP and assures proper coordination and functioning of the One Planet MPTF for SDG 12.

What is the One Planet network offering?

The One Planet network is the recognized implementation mechanism for SDG 12, the network dedicated to implementing the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production, adopted at Rio+20. It offers:

  • Tools and solutions to support countries in how they use and manage natural resources at different stages of the value chain across high-impact sectors such as food and agriculture, buildings, construction and tourism. This work supports key socio-economic areas.
  • A multi-stakeholder partnership and community of practice based on complementary expertise, knowledge sharing and national implementation capacity for SDG 12.
  • Science-based evidence to support policy making
  • A consolidation and analysis of data and trends from monitoring progress on SDG 12 implementation, based on official reporting.

Contribute to the Multi-Partner Trust Fund on SDG 12 to support both the global and national activities. More information here.

Current funding partners: German Federal Ministry for Environment, Conservation and Nuclear Safety and Denmark Ministry for Environment and Food

For more information contact: Katie Tuck,